Grace Toronto Missions

International Missions


Engineering Ministries International

Keep in Touch


Matt Lammers

Engineering Ministries International

In 2010, Matt moved to Toronto to begin his career as a structural engineer. He grew up in a rural community and mentions that he would not have moved to Toronto except for work. Matt recalls, "Work became the focal point of my life. It was getting busier and more stressful all the time. After a lengthy period of busyness came to an end and I had some time to reflect back, I realized that I was not satisfied with where my life was heading. I enjoyed work most of the time, but I did not want it to be the focal point of my life. I began praying for God to show me where my life should be going. After another wave a busyness, I was beginning to contemplate different options."

At that point, Matt had just heard about EMI (Engineering Ministries International) at an event hosted at Grace Toronto Church. He was excited about the work of EMI and was ready to get involved. Although he did not plan for this to be a long term commitment, God had other plans.

After a four month internship with EMI UK in 2013, Matt returned to Toronto for only three months and then continued with EMI in Uganda for one year. Instead of returning to Toronto, Matt decided to join EMI full time in Uganda, where he met his wife in Uganda and got married in 2015. Matt and his wife Ashley have settled into life in Uganda and are raising their family there until God directs them somewhere else.

The Lammers Family

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