Partner Organizations

Pregnancy Care Centre

Find out more

Stephen Ahn

Assistant Pastor of Youth and Outreach

The Pregnancy Care Centre exists to provide compassionate community support to women and families facing an unexpected pregnancy so that they can thrive without seeing abortion as their only option.

Sadly, each year hundreds of women in Toronto find themselves alone with an unexpected pregnancy. Lacking material, family and community support many feel overwhelmed and believe they have no other option but to seek an abortion. The Pregnancy Care Centre exists so that women have other options. We provide practical help, emotional support and vital connections to long term care through churches and other community resources. (© 2020 - Pregnancy Care Centre Toronto - PCC Friends)

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Prayer Current

Find out more

Stephen Ahn

Assistant Pastor of Youth and Outreach

Prayer Current (PC) equips church and mission leaders to grow a culture of missional prayer, systemically discipling their leaders along with their teams into kingdom-expanding prayer. Through our transferable curriculum and resources, we teach believers to confidently engage seekers and invite them into powerful prayer conversations with Jesus, resulting in new seekers coming to know Jesus through prayer, and believers maturing in their calling and service to their sphere of influence in the world.

Among our many opportunities to serve throughout Canada and the US, we are blessed to be invited to bring our training to the students at Covenant Theological Seminary. This is the second theological institution with the desire to return prayer to the forefront of their teaching. PC’s curriculum and resources have been a part of the accredited course offerings at Reformed Theological Seminary in Atlanta for over 3 years.God has opened doors for us globally as well, where PC has spent years teaching leaders in China, India, Moscow and Cuba and more recently, Uganda.

Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, PC was founded by John Smed, in 2000. PC’s resources provide biblical vision and teaching, along with practical tools and hands on experiences to grow people and to serve cities through Christ-centered prayer. PC’s training resources are ideal for:

• Church Planters, Network Leaders
• Pastors & Church Ministry Leaders (Elders, Deacons, Small Group Leaders)
• Urban ministries & Missionaries as well as Campus ministers

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Missions Support

As a church we seek to support missionaries in both local and global contexts. See where we are and how you can help.

See Missionaries