Grace Toronto Missions

International Missions


OMF International

Keep in Touch


Jessica Chu

OMF International

Jessica is serving with OMF Canada and involved in the marketplace pilot project in Japan. The project focuses on collaboration between corporate workers, professionals, churches, and mission organizations in hopes of sharing the gospel with and equipping Japanese disciples who work in corporate and professional settings. She has been in Japan since 2020.

Jessica graduated with a M.Div in Clinical Counselling from Tyndale Seminary and is a registered psychotherapist trained in marriage and family therapy. She has worked with Canadian, Chinese and Japanese-speaking individuals, couples, and families in both agency and private practice settings. In Japan, she hopes to build relationships with urban-dwelling Japanese professionals and co-labor with the local church in evangelism and discipleship. She also hopes to facilitate emotional and relational healing with Japanese and expatriate communities in view of individual, marital, and family flourishing.

Growing up between Vancouver and Taiwan, Jessica moved to Toronto for university in 2009 and has been a part of Grace Toronto since 2010. Jessica is passionate about integration, story-telling, photography, trekking, and discovering delicious food. She treasures your prayer and emotional support and would love to stay connected.

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