Grace Gatherings


Registration for a Summer Grace Gathering is now open between May 1-15, 2024. Please fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. 

What are Grace Gatherings (aka. GG)?

Grace Gatherings are Grace Toronto’s small groups which meet regularly in various locations around the city. They are a place for people to Explore, Experience, and Express the Gospel together.

What are the options? 

We understand that depending on various factors, specific groups might be better suited for you than others.  For this reason, we have three types of Grace Gatherings available:

Discipleship Groups (DG): Discipleship Groups are a type of Grace Gathering that focuses on “growing and going.” These groups begin with a core of committed Christians eager to grow together relationally and spiritually in their knowledge of God and their relationship with God. From there, they seek to go and apply the Gospel to their lives as individuals and groups.

DGs will typically follow the church’s discipleship curriculum and meet weekly or biweekly.  

Commitment Level: Moderate - Members commit to attending 70% of monthly gatherings (i.e. 3 out of 4 weeks) 

Connect Groups (CG): Connect Groups are a type of Grace Gathering that invites people to “come and see” what the Gospel Community is like. These groups are ideal for individuals exploring or reconnecting with the Christian faith. They are also ideal for individuals wanting to help/walk with those exploring or reconnecting with the faith. 

CGs will typically meet biweekly after church for lunch and include a brief devotional and prayer time. 

Commitment Level: Low - Members commit to attending 50% of monthly gatherings (i.e. 1 out of 2 gatherings a month) 

Life Groups (LG): Life Groups are a type of Grace Gathering that begins with a small core of committed people connected through their shared life stage. These groups aim to build authentic Christ-centered relationships and apply the Gospel of Jesus to all areas of life. There are 6 Life Groups available at this time: 

  1. Youth

  2. Young Adults (18-25)

  3. Moms

  4. Women’s Group

  5. Men’s Group

Commitment Level: Varies

What does a weekly gathering look like? 

a. Discipleship Groups (DG) / Life Groups (LG) 

  • Dinner + Faith Journey Stories (30 Min) 

  • Prayer for Church, City, Or World (10 Min) 

  • Reflective or Inductive Bible Study – based on Sermon Series (50 Min) 

  • Prayer Cadres 2-3 ppl (30 Min) 

*Schedules may change based on Adult Sunday School Lesson applications *

b. Connect Groups (CG) 

  • Lunch + Faith Journey Stories (40 minutes) 

  • Grace Gathering Devotional (10 Minutes)

  • Focused Prayer Time (10 Minutes)

*Gatherings may take place in a home or restaurant*





Kingsley L. - Director of Small Groups & Assistant Pastor