Alpha Youth Series (Week 1)
Jan 10
Jan 10
7:30 pm
9:00 pm
Interested in attending?
Event Details
What is my purpose? Is Jesus relevant? Is God present in my loneliness? How can I have hope? These are questions that you can ask at ALPHA. Sign up by filling out the registration form. If you have any questions, please email
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Mar 16
Mar 16
11:00 am
12:00 pm
Stories from the Honduras Missions Team (Church Wide)
The Honduras team is back and ready to share about their experiences and how God was at work during their time in the field. Join us on Sunday March. 16, at 11am in the St. Andrew's Hall for a family-friendly time of storytelling! Light refreshments will be provided. Come and hear how God is moving!
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Mar 22
Mar 22
9:00 am
2:00 pm
Membership Class
Are you interested in becoming a member of our church? GTC is hosting a membership class on Saturday, March 22nd from 9 am to 2 pm in the St. Andrews Hall (2nd floor). This class is for those interested in learning more about the doctrines, governance and the life of the church. Attendees are required to read the membership document beforehand. Lunch is provided.
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Mar 29
Mar 29
9:00 am
11:30 am
Family Talks: The Gospel to my Neighbour
Join us for our next Family Talks Seminar on Saturday, March 29th from 9-11:30 am. This month we're looking at how families can meaningfully reach their neighbours with the good news of the Gospel. Breakfast is included!
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Apr 25
Apr 25
7:30 pm
9:30 pm
Spring Worship Night by CGF
Join us for an evening filled with worship, scripture, prayer and reflection! Whether you're a regular attendee at CGF or Grace Toronto Church, or attend another fellowship in the downtown area, all are welcome to join in this special evening of praise. Let's come together as one body and lift our voices in unity as we refocus our hearts and minds at the end of a long semester. The evening begins at 7:30, and doors will open at 7:15pm. Although we won't be checking registration, we kindly ask you RSVP if you plan to attend so we can get a rough idea of numbers. We can't wait to see you there!
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May 3
May 3
9:30 am
2:00 pm
The Gospel and Technology Conference
What does the Bible have to say about technology? How are Christians called to steward and engage with technology in 2025? Join us on Saturday, May 3, from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM for a one-day conference as we welcome back special guest speaker Robert Cunningham and explore the connection between the Gospel and technology. Registration opens on March 15th! Join the waitlist today.
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